Here is a step by step tutorial on how “Sculpted Curly Q” was made from “Curly Q” using Sound Sculptor. When your done, you will know how to add vibrato using the Pitch LFO, change the pitch over time with the Pitch Envelope, and add Echo and Reverb to a sound. Try playing the sound after each effect so you can hear how the effect changes the sound.
Start Sound Sculptor.
Open “Curly Q”.
Click past the end of the sound to place the cursor at the end of the sound.
Select “Oscillator” from the Processors menu to display the dialog box.
Click on the “Oscillator” popup menu and select “Silence” from the list of waveforms.
Leave the “Frequency” field alone, it's not used for “Silence”.
Leave the “Length” in samples field alone.
Set “Length” to 3 seconds.
Click on “OK” to process the Oscillator.
Select “Loop” from the Processors menu to mark the newly created "Silence" as a loop so you can easily select that portion of the sound later.
Select the part of the sound that says “think” when it’s played. If “think” is selected, when you play the sound, you should only hear “think”.
Select “Echo” from the Processors menu to display the dialog box.
Set “Echo” to 99%.
Set “Delay” to .125 seconds.
Set “Repeat” to 30 times.
Set “Filter” to 25%.
Click on the arrow popup menu next to “Filter”, and select “Low Pass”.
Click on “OK” to process the Echo.
Hold down the option key and select “Fit Sound” from the Edit menu.
Select “Select Loop” from the Edit menu.
Select “Envelope” from the Processors menu. Now the sound window is in envelope mode. An envelope has been drawn on top of the sound with “tags” at the beginning and ending of the envelope, and an Envelope popup menu has been added to the lower left of the window, it should say "Amplify".
Select “Pitch” from the Envelope popup menu.
Select “Reset” from the Envelope popup menu.
Select “x1” from the Envelope popup menu, and a menu will appear, select “x4”.
Click on the last envelope “tag” and drag it to the top of the window.
Select “OK” from the Envelope popup menu to process the envelope.
Select “Select Loop” from the Edit menu if necessary.
Select “Envelope” from the Processors menu.
“Pitch” should already be selected in the Envelope popup menu.
Select “x4” from the Envelope popup menu, and a menu will appear, select “x1”.
Click on the last envelope “tag” and drag it to the top of the window.
Select “LFO” from the Envelope popup menu to display the dialog box.
Click on the “LFO” popup menu and select “Sine” from the list of waveforms.
Set “Frequency” to 2.25 Hertz.
Leave “Phase” and “Invert” alone for now.
Click on “OK” to set the LFO settings.
Select “OK” from the Envelope popup menu to process the LFO.
Click past the end of the sound to place the cursor at the end of the sound.
Select “Oscillator” from the Processors menu to display the dialog box.
Click on the “Oscillator” popup menu and select “Silence” from the list of waveforms.
Leave the “Frequency” field alone, it's not used for “Silence”.
Leave the “Length” in samples field alone.
Set “Length” to 1 second.
Click on “OK” to process the Oscillator.
Select the entire sound by double clicking on the sound.
Select “Reverb” from the Processors menu to display the dialog box.
Set “Reverb” to 60%.
Set “Delay” to .25 seconds.
Set “Feedback” to 60%.
Set “Filter” to 25%.
Click on the arrow popup menu next to “Filter”, and select “High Pass”.
Click on “OK to process the Reverb”.
Click on the Play button (the arrow) of the Tools pallet. It should play the entire sound.
You're finished!
The sound you just made should sound the same as “Sculpted Curly Q”.
If you have any questions about any terms used in this tutorial,
Select "Help" from the Apple menu to display the Help window.
Select "Glossary" from the Misc. menu.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or bugs to report, E-mail me at: